
Saturday, 28 September 2013

A shout out for the Expert Patient Programme (EPP)

Hi everyone, this is a 'mini' blog because I have been asked about the Expert Patient Programme (EPP) . I recently took part in the course in St Austell soon after my Parkinsons diagnosis after picking up a brochure at a Parkinsons information session in Bodmin.
The progamme is described as 'small steps to better health' and is a FREE course designed for adults living with any long term health condition. The website  for the Cornwall course is

On this site you will find a self referral link and the contact information for the programme manager Elaine Curno. What I found particularly appealing and  encouraged me to find out more is that the course manager and the tutors ( who tend to be previous course participants who have trained to deliver the course) all have a long term health condition themselves so these guys really understand what we are going through and deliver the programme from the heart, and instead of preaching to us about what we should or should not do, they give coping strategies and new ideas that will help you to manage pain and also fatigue more effectively, and of course the guys on the course learn from each other as well.  I have described the course as giving me a tool box of coping strategies to draw on when needed and I do use them when I have a bad day.

This is the type of topics you will cover on the course;

*Coping with feelings of depression                                   *Dealing with pain and fatigue

*Fall prevention                                                                   *Diversion Techniques

*Healthy Eating                                                                    *Seeking Personal Goals

*Managing Stress                                                                  *communication Skills                                                         

*Relaxation and Exercise                                                       *Sleep issues 

*Managing Negative Thoughts                                               *Conscious breathing

*Can Medication and other therapies help?                            *And so much more

The course is designed to compliment the care you receive from health care professionals  and gives you the confidence and insight to be an equal partner in your care. From experience it's easy to be overwhelmed and swamped by information from consultants and GP's at a time when emotionally we are probably at a very low point. The course will give you the confidence to ask the questions you need answers too which in turn can reduce anxiety and stress leaving you feeling more in control of your condition. From the experiences of past participants, the course gives you confidence, understanding, coping strategies and self management techniques all of which have shown that this leads to fewer GP visits and patients who have a greater realisation about the impact of their condition on themselves and their family.  

Ultimately the course is a prudent investment by the NHS and Peninsula community Health in Cornwall and I hope it goes from strength to strength forging links with other agencies and charities for the benefit of people living with a long term health condition, with the benefit of safer, more informed, confident patients with techniques that mean fewer GP and hospital visits------- so everyone is a winner!!!

This is a national course, so follow this link  and see if there is one in your area.

If you have any experience of this programme do please contact me and let me know how you got on.

Take good care of each other



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