
Sunday, 1 September 2013


A very good facebook friend who is going through a tough spell said these words yesterday, and I'm sure that all of us agree, particular carers, what a powerful statement it is.

In these days of deepening austerity, and local councils warning us already that millions of pounds  have to be saved again in the next financial year, those of us who are carers are wondering what further cuts to services for our loved ones, and us as their carers are looming. Cornwall Council are going through a consultation process for adult social care services and all areas appear to be under the threat of the cut, including day centre transport and seeminly more stringent financial assessments.
Now I am not getting into a political debate over this, but with my carers hat on, I am very concerned about the future of accessibility to services in rural areas such as Cornwall.

What this is leading too is the added emotional stress and concerns this will be put on us even before we know the outcome of the consultation processes going on countrywide, particularly but not exclusively on older carers.
I know the government has made funds available to local councils to support carers, and campaign groups such as Carers UK, and the Princess Trust, alongside many hard working and proactive regional carers groups, have been making a huge effort to put carers firmly on the political agenda and thank goodness this work is slowly bearing fruit, against the financial demands on the exchequer.
However, unless this is strictly ring fenced for it's intended budget, it can so easily be used elsewhere at the detriment of all the hard pressed carers and those for whom they care, both young and old in this country. People are of course living longer  with more effective medical interventions, with the majority cared for at home by their families so my ramble reaches full circle.......... no doubt I will have more to say on this in the near future!! 
*Disclaimer*  Don`t forget this blog is only a product of my limited thoughts on the issue and is in no way meant to be political or finger pointing , rather the rambling thoughts of a humble Cornishman!

As to a brief update on my Parkinsons, as the last blog covered, I have now completed the Expert Patient Programme, and I am so pleased I did the course. I have made new friends as well as some life long coping strategies for when things get tough as well as day to day diet and nutrition tips. I would encourage anyone dealing with a long term health condition to ask about the availability in their area and get on the course, you will have fun and gain so much.

I am increasingly having sleepless nights. In fact last night, I didn`t go to bed at all, I did manage an hours kip at around 6am in my chair and a couple of power naps during the day. Worryingly I do not feel too bad at the moment even though I have been on the go most of today. I just hope this Parkinsons does not train my body into this cycle of insomnia.   Going back to my previous comments relating to carers, because I am a carer, I refuse to take any medication to induce sleep as I would be afraid that Gem would get up in the night, fall and I wouldn`t hear her.

As her parent/carer, I have a duty of care towards her well-being 24/7 so my needs must and do take second place, but I will make sure she goes to her 3 nights respite once a month to give me a chance to re-charge the batteries. Again this goes back to my initial points regarding consultation over services because no doubt respite care will be under financial scrutiny and many of us may not be able to afford the luxury of regular respite. What potential time bomb and consequences could be simmering regarding carers health and ability to keep caring, and what financial consequence could that have for adult social care if CARERS CAN NO LONGER CARE! So, Who Cares For The Carers?.........................................

Until next time folks, do take care and look after each other. I would love any comments both negative and positive, I have added a comments form on the right of the page or email me 

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